Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma

Today is the day my grandmother celebrated her birthday. She didn't actually know her date of birth but this is the one she picked. There is a great story about how she picked it - ask me if you want to know :)

We are visiting with Evan and Julie and the boys today. Dinner is cooking and we are all just hanging out. I played Monopoly with Wes and Aaron earlier and this morning we were at the Hebrew School Chanukah party. We tasted an array of different latkes (potato pancakes) and also enjoyed the menorah contest. There were probably about 20 different menorahs that the kids made and each one received an award. I am sorry that I didn't take any pictures of them. They were very cool.

I am having issues with connectivity again but when I finally got through to Apple, I was told that my extended care plan had ended in June. It was suggested that I go look on the internet. I laughed since if I could get on the internet - I wouldn't need to be there looking for the answer. Of course, Evan has computers and so I was able to find a fix that seems to be working - so far.

Dinner last night was delightful. We went to Carrabba's and enjoyed a wonderful meal and had an awesome waitress. I think she said her name was Tamela. Her husband is in Afghanistan since April and she is hopeful that he will return this coming spring. They also have an 8 year old son, so please keep them in your thoughts.

Tomorrow we are off to South Carolina to visit with friends of Ken's. These are the guys he grew up with in California and it's always fun to see them. We will only be there overnight and then we are off to Athens to visit with Daagh and the girls. I will have internet access from the RV Park in Ga. I am looking forward to that.

I guess I should go now. I feel rude sitting here on the computer. I'd go into the living room where everyone is hanging out but I'm plugged into the wall here and I don't really feel like relocating.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We are getting rained on today and it rained all night. I keep thinking if we were home this would all be snow!

Merry, Happy Holidays!
- Kass


  1. Ok ... so I'll bite ... why did your Grandma pick the 13th for her birthday? :)


  2. Happy Birthday, Grandma! I think about and mention her more often than you probably expect.

    I'd like to hear the story of her birthday, too.


  3. Glad to hear you are having fun so far! I hope Ken figures out the electrical problem. I did enjoy the story of your Grandma's birthday and I know now that you are your Grandmother's granddaughter(very resourceful). Keep having fun! Take care.
    N & M
    P.S. It was 8 degrees with the wind chill this lovely morning.
