Where is the time going? Still so much to do and only so many hours in a day.
We saw our friend Mr. McD and he thanks you for your good wishes. He is doing well and shouldn't have any long term effects from this infection. I did find it a tad disturbing to see this calendar on the wall of his room. Anyone notice anything odd about it - besides the fact that it's a month behind? No wonder I keep running out of time to get things done.
Ken is off getting the oil changed in the RV and the flat tire fixed. I hope we don't need a new one - I can't imagine what an RV tire costs to replace. It would be nice to hit the road without incurring too much more expense.
I have finally figured out the problem of dog and cat tags. I am going to buy Shrinky Dinks and make my own! We can't find any local stores with ID/Name tags unless we spend 8 bucks a pop and have them engraved in a very slow machine. That isn't going to happen. That's a nice meal even if only half the pets need new ones.
Tonight we are off to see John Prine in Northampton. That should be fun! We will have dinner at Viva Pasta - a great little restaurant that we really enjoy. I also have to bake a cheesecake for a cheesecake feasting party we are having tomorrow with friends. Everyone is bringing a cheesecake and we will stuff our faces in a friendly cheesecake bake-off.
There is so much more that I want to type but there just isn't time at the moment. The snow is falling and it should be a winter wonderland by nightfall. As I peer out the window, I can see that it is starting to stick to the evergreens. I guess I should go check the roads as well.
I hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend and I will try to get back out here tonight after the show. I'm off to make believe I'm getting things done!
~ Kassidee