Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another rainy day in Lake Charles

Good morning and welcome to another soggy day in the city of Lake Chuck. Today is a 'working' day. We have lots of errands to run and this afternoon I am getting a remicade treatment. For those of you who don't know me well (or at all), I have Crohn's Disease. I am fortunate enough to have a wonderful doctor here as well as at home. The staff at each office are equally wonderful and I'd love to nominate them all for 'Office of the Year' awards. I am SO happy to be able to see Karen and Dr. Nichols while I'm here in La. They have been SO good to me over the years. I am so grateful they arranged for my treatment while I am here so I can stay on schedule. I get the IV infusion every 8 weeks like clockwork. This treatment is incredible and is the difference between my being a functioning human being and a crumpled version of myself, in pain, laying on the couch not able to move. Sadly, that is no exaggeration.

On the list of things to do is a med run at Wallyworld, pick up a check that should have been mailed but wasn't (ages ago!), buy stamps and mail out the cards that are late, get a new battery for my watch at the dive shop (special watch, special batteries) and we need to remember to eat lunch before my appointment.

The day's highlight will be visiting with our dear friends - Matt and Annie and their 3 kids. When we left town there were only 2 kids so this is a reunion and a meeting. I can't wait!

I'll post this now so I can get going and I promise, I will let you know about our Florida days as well!

Happy day before New Year's Eve!
~ Kassidee


  1. just in case you thought we weren't reading this... we are!

    hope the remicade treatment went well today!


  2. Thanks Daagh. The treatment was a breeze and the reunion with Karen and Dr. Nichols was wonderful. Dena did my infusion and though we just met we sat and talked like old friends. She is 'good people'!

    Thanks for letting me know that this blog is being read - I was starting to wonder if I should keep posting!

    Happy New Year's Eve Day!
    ~ Kass

  3. My dad was one of the human testers of Remicade when it was being considered by the FDA...he had severe Crohns, and did get some relief from it. He passed in 2004, but lived to be 81.

  4. Sue - I'll send a thanks up to your Dad. I know my mom has been a guinea pig for some M.S. treatments and it's folks like that help the people on down the line. They do not get enough thanks. Most of the time, people don't even think about that piece. Here's to everyone who helps the process along!
